If you have a website of your own and you'd like to link to me, I have absolutely no problem with that, in fact, it'd be very awesome of you! Here's the large 468x60's:

And the cute little minibanners (88x31):

Of course, if you do link to me, I'd love to know about it, so I can plug your site generously as well, so if you do end up linking to me, give me an email. Thanks.

Here are some other webcomics I enjoy reading:

The Japanese Beetle -A great comic about a superhero who's in it for the money and chicks, it's the first webcomic I started reading.
Checkerboard Nightmare -Self aware humor at its finest, its pretty much dead now, but the archives are totally worth your time.
Starslip Crisis -A comedic sci-fi comic from Kris Straub, that guy who did Checkerboard Nightmare.
PvP -The ultimate webcomic, really, it is.
No Point -Not only is it funny, but this dude's one serious artist too. At least check it out for the art.
Built For Comfort -Its cheeky British fun, what more do you want?
White Ninja -Hilarious comics that look and feel like they're made by a small child.
OTH! -An awesome superhero comic starring Wolfman and Uberwoman.
Comet7 -Cute, fluffy, and funny.
Ryan -Read plenty of comics by the great Ryan Estrada, including the funny and fantastic Gamer's Edge!
D+Pad -About workers at a video game store, and the idiots they deal with on a daily basis.
Real Life Comics -A shining example of everything good about webcomics.
No 4th Wall To Break -Bert the Petulant Triangle. Do I need to say more?
Simulated Comic Product #4 -Extremely random but almost always funny jokes. For people who like good comics, but don't like keeping track of pesky re-ocurring characters.
Ugly Hill -One of the funniest comics I've read in a long, long time. I can't possibly describe it in a way that does it justice, just trust me that its worth your time.
Ask A Ninja -Not a comic, but a podcast of sorts. A ninja gives super funny, rambling answers to your most important ninja-related questions. You will be rolling on the floor watching them.

Of course, if you want some generous linkage, you could always make me a guest comic (nudge nudge, wink wink!).

Tree Sprocket is hosted on comicgenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.